The best partners
Who we are
We specialise in working with paving manufacture and solutions – everything from isolated lightweight substrates to traditional and self-levelling screeds.
Over thirty years, we have laid a MILLION SQUARE METRES of paving, working together with the best cement manufactures both nationaly and internationally, as well as using the best products on the market.
European presence
A major European presence
Our experience knows few borders: we can provide references from private individuals, entrepreneurs, and industries not only in Italy, but across Europe. We have provided paved surfaces that are walked on and worked on every day by thousands of people. These very footsteps represent the guarantee of our skill and are testimony to our professionalism.

We have provided paving for:
- Shopping centre (250.000 sq. mt.)
- Supermarkets (200.000 sq. mt.)
- Factories and industrial workshops (200.000 sq. mt.)
- Hotels (100.000 sq. mt.)
- Leisure areas (swimming pools, green car parks, urban streets, etc.)
Major works. Ugo Beghelli
- Nel 2021, Road House – Peschiera del Garda
- Nel 2021, Palazzetto dello Sport – Roverè Veronese
- Nel 2021, Sede Centrale – Unicredit Verona
- Nel 2021, Folli Follie Donna Luxury Fashion Botique – Verona
- Nel 2021, Unicredit Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella
- Nel 2020, Max Mara Luxury Fashion Botique – Verona
- Nel 2019, Fontana Piazza Ferdinando di Savoia – Peschiera del Garda
- Quando passeggi nel quartiere di Postamaplatz di Berlino cammini su una pavimentazione realizzata da Ugo Bighelli.
- Quando fai la spesa nei supermercati e centri commerciali di Berlino, Francoforte, Lypsia e Dresda.
- Sempre in Germania ci puoi calpestare al nuovo ospedale Centro ricerche di Monaco di Baviera.
- Hotel hotel Antares di Villafranca (VR)
- Hotel Antico Termine di Lugagnano di Sona (VR)
- Villa Paletta di Negrar (VR)
- L’Antico Mulino Rosso di Buttapietra (VR)
- Il Parco ricreativo del Ristorante Il Calmiere del quartiere di San Zeno in Verona
- Nel 2013 Base militare aeronautica elicotteri LAUPHEIM (Germania)
- Nel 2014 Centro commerciale store BAYWA VIECHTACH (Germania)
- Nel 2014 UNIVERSITA’ DI LINZ (Austria) Anton Bruckner
- Nel 2014 Sede COMUNE DI BONN (Germania)
- Nel 2014 MUSEO WAGNER Bayreuth (Germania)
- Nel 2015 RESIDENZA LUX Berlino Centro (Germania)
Contact Us
The Bighelli Ugo company is available to satisfy your every need with the utmost efficiency and professionalism.
Fill out this simple form to request a free, no-obligation quote or more information on everything related to our services.
Remember to leave your telephone number if you want to be contacted directly by one of our representatives.